What is this Assigned Pooling thing?
There are these buzz words in the air 'Assigned Pooling', or 'Planned Pooling' have you heard about it? Either way, yes or no, I want to share what all the fuss is about and how this may just change the way you feel about a pool party!
When I started dying yarn nearly 10 years ago (more about that later in the year) there was a real emphasis on people wanting to know if my yarn would pool. This means when a section of the same colour stacks up in your project and creates a section of pooled colour. It was a real marmite topic, you either loved it or hated it and the overall trend was how to avoid it in your finished garments.
This took me on a dyeing journey and the Zip yarns we born! These have a little section where all the fun happens but knits a fab sock or sweater with next to no pooling unless you want it to!
Which leads us to...
I was first approached by Joanne from the Crochet project in 2019 about using Nebula zip yarn for a crochet shawl where you create a "bobble with the colourful end of the yarn". As if by magic, 'Stop Drop and Pop' was born. This shawl was fun and exciting and like nothing I had see before.
Skip forward just a few years and this type of yarn manipulation has amazing patterns in our yarns -Loopillism shawl by Helda Panagary in Pink pop Merino/Nylon Sock 4ply and Ginan by Abbey Bongers in M2-9 4ply featured in Moorit Magazine A/W2022.
Thanks to designers like Jo, Helda, Abby, Dawn Barker, Samatha Baker & Lesley Anne Robinson to name just a few, they are changing how we approach hand dyed yarns and the beautiful uniqueness you can only achieve from hand dyeing.
And the best thing about all of this, is that I dye yarns that work for these amazing designers, choose between Zip yarns or Long zips depending on the effect you are after.